In The News
Find out what’s new at Fountain Hills Law Firm with helpful information and stories about our firm, holiday reminders, activities with local veterans groups, and other community involvement and events.
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Arizona Trust Law: Understanding the Rights of Beneficiaries
Understanding the Rights of Beneficiaries under Arizona Trust Law Navigating Arizona trust law can seem daunting, especially for beneficiaries in Arizona. Understanding their rights is crucial for ensuring that they receive their rightful inheritance without...

How Many Trustees Can a Trust Have in Arizona? Understanding the Limits and Guidelines
How Many Trustees Can A Trust Have In Arizona? When establishing a trust in Arizona, you may be wondering about the number of trustees you can appoint. There is no legal limit to the number of trustees a trust can have in Arizona, but having multiple trustees can lead...

A Trust vs a Will in Arizona: Understanding the Key Differences and Benefits
A Trust vs a Will in Arizona When estate planning in Arizona, people often face an important choice between establishing a trust or drafting a will. A trust generally offers the advantage of avoiding probate, while a will typically requires a legal process that can be...

Pros and Cons of Probate in Arizona: Key Factors to Consider for Estate Planning
Pros and Cons of Probate in Arizona Probate in Arizona is a legal process used to settle a deceased person's estate. It involves validating the will, identifying assets, paying debts, and distributing remaining property to beneficiaries. While some view probate as a...

American Legion Post 58 Color Guard Commendation
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey recently honored the American Legion Post 58 Color Guard with a Commendation recognizing the Color Guard’s achievements in representing the State of Arizona at the American Legion National Convention where they won 1st Place in the...

Thanksgiving Parade
Attorney Tait D. Elkie participated in the Fountain Hills Chamber of Commerce’s annual Thanksgiving Day Parade, also known as Parada De Los Cerros or Parade of the Hills. As an award-winning American Legion Post 58 Color Guard Member, he along with the other Color...

FH Times Veterans Day
On November 11, 2018, the Fountain Hills community honored our veterans at the Veterans Memorial in Fountain Park. Attorney Tait D. Elkie, who is also Commandant of the Marine Corps League Fountain Hills Detachment 1439 led the event.

Veterans Day Ceremony
On November 11, 2018, the Fountain Hills community honored our veterans at the Veterans Memorial in Fountain Park. Marine Corps League Fountain Hills Detachment 1439 of the Marine Corps League organized the event with help from other veterans’ groups including the...

Contribution to Veterans’ Court
The Fountain Hills Marine Corps League Detachment 1439 recently donated $1,600 to the East Valley Regional Veterans’ Court to support veterans in need who are participating in the Veterans’ Court program. The donation was provided in the form of $25.00 Walmart gift...

American Legion 100th National Convention, Color Guard Contest Winners
American Legion Fountain Hills Post #58 Color Guard Wins American Legion National Championship at 100th National Convention As representatives for the American Legion for the State of Arizona, the Fountain Hills Post #58 Color Guard won the American Legion National...

Attorney of the Month
The Power of Commitment Written By Susan Cushing | Photographed By Andrew Paul In today’s fast-paced world, information, services and even people move quickly; coming and going with ever-increas- ing frequency and speed. Choices have never been greater and the next...

American Legion Post #58 Color Guard Attorney Tait D. Elkie recently competed as an American Legion Post 58 Color Guard Member at the American Legion State Convention where they placed first overall. This was the Post 58 Color Guard’s...

Elkie Installed as Marine Corps League Detachment Commandant
Elected officers for the Marine Corps League Detachment 1439 were installed June 5. Commandant Phil Yin installed the officers for the 2018-19 term, which included Commandant Tait D. Elkie, Senior Vice Commandant David Nelson, Junior Vice Commandant Robert Schmitz,...

Happy Memorial Day!
Attorney Tait D. Elkie participated in the Fountain Hills Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 28th as a member of the American Legion Post #58 Color Guard. Thank you to all of our veterans who have served our great country, and to the families and members of our...

Holiday Reminders
Happy Holidays from Fountain Hills Law Firm! Christmas and New Year are just around the corner, and as always, we would like to remind everyone to be safe out there when it comes to engaging in holiday fun. This is the time of year we commonly see an increase in...

Happy Fourth of July!
Have a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday weekend from all of us at Fountain Hills Law Firm! As always, remember to be safe when it comes to Fourth of July fun that often includes alcohol, and of course, fireworks. You should know that although you may be able to...

Post #7507 at the Arizona VFW Convention
Attorney Tait D. Elkie, who is also a member of the Color Guard for Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7507 in Fountain Hills, participated in the VFW State Convention 2016 held at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Chandler, Arizona. The VFW Post #7507 Color Guard presented the...

New Marine Corps League Detachment in Fountain Hills
Tait D. Elkie is among a local group of Fountain Hills Marines forming a Fountain Hills Detachment of the Marine Corps League. Elkie will serve as Junior Vice Commander of the detachment, which is partnered with American Legion Post #58 in Fountain Hills. The focus of...

Tait D. Elkie on Arizona Horizon
Attorney Tait D. Elkie made a recent guest appearance on PBS’ Arizona Horizon with Ted Simons, alongside decorated Army veteran David Lucier. Mr. Elkie spoke, as a Marine veteran, about the ways in which veterans can serve their community, and about finding a sense of...
Photo Radar is Illegal, Says Arizona AG Mark Brnovich
A recent opinion letter by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich has been causing a big stir among drivers in Arizona, particularly those who have been previously cited with photo radar tickets from red light cameras or speed cameras. Mr. Brnovich has stated that...

Tait D. Elkie Takes on the Desert at Las Vegas Super
He did it again! Attorney Tait D. Elkie got back in the mud to complete his second Spartan event within a month at the 2016 Las Vegas Super last weekend in Littlefield, AZ. This Spartan Race provided an experience far removed from the glamour and decadance of Sin...

Tait D. Elkie Looks Good in Mud at Spartan Race
Attorney Tait D. Elkie was one of the many adventurous participants in the 2016 Arizona Spartan Sprint this past weekend, which took place at Fort McDowell. The intense, 3+ mile course had hundreds of Spartans racing up and down the hills of Fort McDowell Rodeo...
New Year’s Resolutions
The entire team at Fountain Hills Law Firm would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous new year. The beginning of a new year can be a time for new resolutions to get fit, quit smoking, travel more, spend more time with family and friends, or...
’Tis the Season for Holiday-Related Injuries
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at Fountain Hills Law Firm! As the final days of the year descend upon us, we are all excited to celebrate the holiday season alongside family and friends, but we must also be mindful of staying safe. It is common to...
Reminders for a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving
The entire team at Fountain Hills Law Firm would like to wish you and your loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving. As we kick off a new holiday season, this is also a great opportunity to remind drivers that this is the time of year when it is especially important to be...

Veterans Day 2015 in Fountain Hills
Attorney and former U.S. Marine Tait D. Elkie celebrated Veterans Day yesterday with members of the Fountain Hills community at the Veterans Memorial in Fountain Park. The annual Fountain Hills Veterans Day ceremony took place November 11th, and honored past and...

Fountain Hills Law Firm at the MCBA Golf Tournament
On Saturday November 7th, Fountain Hills Law Firm attorneys Tait D. Elkie and Tyler M. Allen took part in the 2015 BMO Private Bank Pro Bono Classic. This marks the third consecutive year that Fountain Hills Law Firm has participated in the Maricopa County Bar...

U.S. Marine Corps 240th Birthday Celebration
This year marks the 240th anniversary of the founding of the finest fighting force the world has ever seen: the United States Marine Corps. The Marines were founded on 10 November 1775 in Tun Tavern, a tavern and brewery located in Philadelphia, PA. Not surprisingly,...

Quick Brief: If I Have a Civil Judgment Against Someone, Can I Put a Lien on Their Home?
Yes. Under Arizona law, a certified copy of a judgment issued from a justice or municipal court in Arizona may be filed and recorded in the office of the county recorder in each county where the judgment creditor desires the judgment to become a lien on the real...

Fountain Hills Law Firm Speaks at SAAR’s Fountain Hills RMS Meeting
Attorneys Tait D. Elkie and Tyler M. Allen spoke at last Friday’s meeting of the Scottsdale Area Association of Realtors at the Fountain Hills Community Center. Photo credit: Jay Schlum The Fountain Hills Law Firm attorneys thoroughly appreciated the opportunity to...

Attorney Elkie Takes Part in Fountain Hills Strategic Planning
Photo credit: Chris Siino Attorney and Fountain Hills Chamber board member Tait D. Elkie participated in a Strategic Planning meeting today with fellow board members. The board brainstormed ways to continue to improve the chamber and provide additional benefits to...