Yes. Under Arizona law, a certified copy of a judgment issued from a justice or municipal court in Arizona may be filed and recorded in the office of the county recorder in each county where the judgment creditor desires the judgment to become a lien on the real property (home) of the judgment debtor. (See: A.R.S. § 33-961)
It is important to note that before the judgment becomes a lien against real property, you must attach the judgment to a separate information sheet that contains the required information necessary to record. (See: A.R.S. § 33-967) Most recorder’s offices will require a fee for filing and recording the judgment. For a list of fees in Maricopa County, visit
Now for the disclaimer: As always, circumstances and situations may differ in your case, and for any legal questions or issues it is best to speak with a knowledgeable attorney to discuss your circumstances and options. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only, and is not legal advice.