Veterans Day Ceremony 2018

Brig. Gen R. Gregg Maxon and Attorney and MCL Detachment 1439 Commandant Tait D. Elkie

On November 11, 2018, the Fountain Hills community honored our veterans at the Veterans Memorial in Fountain Park. Marine Corps League Fountain Hills Detachment 1439 of the Marine Corps League organized the event with help from other veterans’ groups including the American Legion Post 58, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7507, and AMVETS Post 7.

Attorney Tait D. Elkie, who is also Commandant of the Marine Corps League Fountain Hills Detachment 1439 welcomed attendees. He began the ceremony calling upon those in attendance to remember the sacrifices that were made by our military veterans and their families for our nation. He also recognized those veterans in attendance, and held a moment of silence for those veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice.

The keynote speaker for the ceremony was Brig. Gen R. Gregg Maxon (retired) of the Arizona Army National Guard. The ceremony on Sunday marked the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I.

Veterans Day Ceremony 2018

American Legion Post 58 Color Guard Posts the Colors.

Veterans Day Ceremony 2018, Tait with his Family

Attorney Tait D. Elkie, Michele Elkie, and daughter Emilie.

Veterans Day Ceremony 2018 Flyover

The Falcon Warbirds performed a Missing Man formation for the flyover.