Fireworks on New Year's Day

The entire team at Fountain Hills Law Firm would like to wish you and your loved ones a happy and prosperous new year.

The beginning of a new year can be a time for new resolutions to get fit, quit smoking, travel more, spend more time with family and friends, or simply reflect on events of the past year. It is also an excellent time for future planning. Make 2016 a time to consider ensuring that your affairs are in order by creating or reviewing your trust, will, and estate plan.

It may not sound like the most exciting way to start a new year, however, having up-to-date estate plan documents can give you the peace of mind that your loved ones will be protected if you died unexpectedly. Understandably, many people find the thought of estate planning daunting, and no one wants to think about what happens when we’re not here, but investing the time and effort now is far better than dying without a trust, will, or estate plan and placing that burden on your family to go through the probate process to determine what happens to your assets.

It is especially important to review your estate plan if you have experienced a major life event in the past year, such as the birth of a child, a move to a new state, the death of a family member, a marriage, a divorce, or a major change in assets such as an inheritance or, if you are so lucky, a lottery win.

If you are looking to create or amend your estate plan, Fountain Hills Law Firm’s experienced attorneys are here to assist you in ensuring that your loved ones will be provided for, and that your assets will pass to the beneficiaries of your choosing when you pass. We provide estate planning legal services that include Revocable Living Trusts, Wills, Codicils, General Durable Powers of Attorney, as well as Health Care and Mental Health Care Powers of Attorney. We provide legal representation to clients throughout the State of Arizona, with a focus on serving clients in the Fountain Hills, Scottsdale, Mesa, and Payson areas. We offer free in-office and telephone consultations, so please do not hesitate to contact our firm with your estate plan questions.